During the session of the Traktech Day on the presentation of results 2018 and objectus 2019.

Traktech Day: 2018 results and 2019 targets

Reading time: 2 minutes

On Friday, March 29, 2019, took place the traditional Traktech Day with the aim of making available the 2018 results and the objectives set for 2019 among all employees of the company.

The presentation of the Traktech day was in charge of Quim Torrella and Joan Arbós, general manager and administrative director of Traktech respectively.

Achievements of Traktech in 2018

During 2018, Traktech exceeded many of the objectives proposed in its business plan, there have been administrative, operational and accounting changes that have resulted in a substantial improvement in management and business development.

Each achievement has been explained in detail during the presentation, being the most outstanding ones:

Traktech has exceeded the forecasts for 2018 of quantifiable objectives, in terms of turnover, the volume of project ordered and turnover ratio per employee.

New management, planning, and budgeting systems have been implemented (ERP Navition and EVA’s planning and budgets), giving a significant improvement in the management and integral planning of the company.

New methodologies –Lean Manufacturing– have been implemented, which have made it possible to improve and simplify the organization of tasks, an action that also contributes to improving the production process.

There was a significant deviation of 4.4%, between expected costs and actual costs of the most important projects of the year.

During 2018, two important R & D projects were executed and implemented:

  • The ROTRAK AAF Rotary Positioner with automatic change funnel format.
  • The central body of the rinser model TwistRinser and the automatic sidebars.

The turnover grew by 32% compared to 2017 and the commercial network incorporated new distributors in the following markets: Morocco, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, and the Middle East.

As of the last quarter of 2018 Traktech is being advised by a team of professionals and experts in B2B and digital marketing, with the aim of developing actions to improve the brand’s projection and the commercialization of the products.

Traktech goals for 2019

In the Traktech presentation, the plans and objectives to be developed during 2019 were also presented, among the most outstanding:

  • Consolidate the ROTRAK AAF Rotary Positioner with automatic change funnel format.
  • Finish implementation projects: the internal PRE-FAT (Factory Acceptance Test), incident management to optimize engineering and assembly hours, and the reinforcement of the After-Sales Department.
  • Deploy all the advantages of the new work system: Lean Manufacturing, based on the new established technology and with the support of computerized management systems.
  • Increase turnover by 10%.
  • Continue with the internationalization plan and the opening of new markets.
  • Consolidate Traktech’s participation in international trade fairs. In 2019 Traktech will participate in the fairs FACHPACK (Nuremberg) and PPMA (Birmingham).

The Traktech day ended with a pleasant lunch Catalan style “Calçotada” in a restaurant in the city, and it was an opportunity to give value to the human resource, to thank for the achievements of 2018 and to visualize together the reach of the 2019 objectives.

Share employees after the Traktech Conference 2018-2019

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