Photo of plastic containers in a Twistrinser bottle rinser from Traktech. Top 5 publications on container handling 2021.

Top 5 Packaging Handling Publications 2021

Reading time: 4 minutes

In 2021, as in previous years, we have maintained the publications through this channel, in which we talk about the technology of our solutions and, very especially, how we help our clients to optimize their production lines with the incorporation of our machines. at the beginning of the production line.

But among all of them, which have been the best? Know the Top 5 publications according to the number of visits they receive.

Diagram of the bottle cleaning system by ionized and aspirated air F8

First of all, there is this article on the use of the ionized air cleaning system, where we describe the cleaning system of our empty bottle rinsers.

Throughout the publication, the characteristics of its different parts are detailed: the ionized air blowing and suction system, the position of the container for the internal cleaning process, the connection of the filtered and ionized compressed air, the particle collector, and the ionization unit.

Rinser can cleaner with ionized air

Secondly, one of our success stories: the installation of a Rinser model SG-20 cleaner with ionized air in a production line for cans for packaging powdered formula for infant nutrition.

This note reveals Traktech’s contribution through a Rinser SG-20 that incorporates the IonrinseTM ionized air system, which consists of simultaneously blowing and sucking ionized air inside the containers.

If you want to know more about this system, enter here! And discover why it is a success story of applying our solutions. We give you a clue, it has to do with a rigorous quality control system designed by the company, called “Tap Tester”.

Efficiency of a production line and the importance of accumulation in container unscramblers

The efficiency of a production line depends on many factors: from the correct positioning of the containers and their sliding or transport towards the filler to the final filling and packaging.

This post, ranked number 3 of the best Traktech blog posts, makes special reference to the concept of “Accumulation or Buffer” from the unscrambler to the filler and its importance in the efficiency of a packaging production line, among others. characteristics.

New Traktech distributors in Europe and Latin America

Image of a map in which a hand is pinning one of the countries to highlight the location of a company’s new distributors.

In 2021, Traktech celebrated the closing of two commercial agreements with four new specialized packaging companies, located in Costa Rica, France, Sweden, and Venezuela.

All these agreements have allowed Traktech to continue strengthening its commercial relations and the expansion of the sale of its machinery in the European market and, on the other hand, to expand towards new markets in Latin America.

We invite you to learn more about the new distributors here.

PET bottle unscramblers in a line filled with household cleaning products

Finally, in fifth place is another success story for a client in the home cleaning products sector, a manufacturer of its own products, as well as a producer for major brands and numerous retailers.

This publication describes Traktech’s contribution to this project: two PET bottle unscramblers made of stainless steel with automatic format change and a machine-based bottle orienter with detection by means of photocells for the correct orientation of the bottles to the filler.

If you want to know more about how it works, don’t hesitate to read it!

More publications of interest

In 2021 we have made several publications and, although we only compiled the Top 5, there are others from previous years that deserve special mention.

Waterless bottle cleaning machine

A waterless bottle cleaning machine. Is it possible? This article presents the Twistrinser Rinser, a compact and innovative solution for cleaning the inside of bottles that features an exclusive design of turning the bottles, cleaning the containers in the same air conveyor.

Here you can learn about its features, details, and advantages.

How does a PET bottle unscrambler work?

Another publication of interest is the one on the operation of a PET bottle unscrambler. The operating phases of the PET bottle rotary unscrambler are explained and, in addition, the output of the containers to the filler, both large and small and unstable plastic containers.

Cleaning glass bottles with ionized air

This interior cleaning of glass containers can be done in various ways depending on the type of industry. This article details 2 solutions for rinsing bottles without water: the bottle cleaning system with neutral gases and the glass bottle cleaning system with ionized air.

Did you find them interesting? If you want to know more about Traktech, you can continue reading our blog, stay tuned for all our news, and/or follow us via Linkedin, Youtube, and Twitter.

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