Traktech tanca acords amb el representant francès

Traktech closes agreements with TECS, its French distributor

Reading time: 2 minutes

Traktech has closed the first collaboration agreements with TECS, a company that is part of its commercial network as a new distributor for France and North Africa.

During the talks, the basic lines of the agreements between both companies were agreed, including the participation and collaboration of Traktech in two of the most important trade fairs in France in the bottling, packaging and production sectors.

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Traktech appears in the FT 1000 Ranking as one of the European companies that has grown the most

Traktech appears in the FT 1000 ranking of the European companies that grow the most

Reading time: 2 minutes

The prestigious British newspaper Financial Times published last March 2019 the FT 1000 ranking, a study that includes the thousand European commercial companies with a faster increase in sales in 31 countries between 2014 and 2017.

Traktech is in the position number 477 of the general ranking and number 21 among the companies of capital goods of all Europe in the study, with an absolute growth of income of more than 300% between 2014 and 2017, together with other 96 Catalan and Spanish companies from different sectors.

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