Photo of plastic containers in a Twistrinser bottle rinser from Traktech. Top 5 publications on container handling 2021.

Top 5 Packaging Handling Publications 2021

Reading time: 4 minutes

In 2021, as in previous years, we have maintained the publications through this channel, in which we talk about the technology of our solutions and, very especially, how we help our clients to optimize their production lines with the incorporation of our machines. at the beginning of the production line.

But among all of them, which have been the best? Know the Top 5 publications according to the number of visits they receive.

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Photo of the map of Mexico highlighting the state of Texcoco de Mora, location of the Eurimaq company, represented by Traktech.

Traktech closes a representation agreement with the Mexican company Eurimaq

Reading time: 2 minutes

Traktech expands its Latin American commercial representation, with the conclusion of a commercial agreement with the Mexican company Eurimaq, specialists in solutions for food and beverage processing.

The trade agreement closed last September 2021 aims to market all solutions for the handling of empty containers in Mexico, concentrating all efforts in the sectors of process manufacturing and packaging of food, beverages, preserves, personal and household care products, as well as in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

On the other hand, this type of agreement allows to continue consolidating the commercial network that the company proposed in its plan of international expansion to the five continents.

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A photo of Traktech’s recently opened showroom exhibiting their main machines for handling empty containers.

Traktech opens its showroom with machinery for empty bottles handling

Reading time: 3 minutes

Traktech, specialists in handling empty containers at the beginning of the production line, has recently opened a showroom in their factory in Terrassa, Barcelona, where customers who are interested, have a space to try their containers with different types of machinery such as positioning, rinsing or air conveyors, among others.

This corresponds to our commitment to serving customers, where we have prepared a unique space as a Showroom to present and demonstrate our experience and the advantages of our machines  for handling containers.

The permanent showroom occupies 65 square meters and it has a screen for videos as well as an extensive collection of samples of different container formats and sizes, especially bottles, for which the machines have been made.

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Manipulación de envases de plástico

The best publications on container manipulation in 2020

Reading time: 3 minutes

In 2020, we continued publishing on our blog contents about our know-how, experience, and the projects we undertake.

Therefore, for the beginning of this year, we wanted to evaluate them, discover the best publications by the number of visits received, and share them in this summary.

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PPMA total spectacle 2019 logo

R10 Rotary Rinser at the PPMA Show 2019

Reading time: 2 minutes

From October 1 to 3, 2019 will be held in Birmingham the PPMA Show 2019, the largest exhibition of processing and packaging machinery in the United Kingdom.

For the event Traktech will exhibit at the stand of AutoPack, its distributor in the United Kingdom, one of its machines for handling empty bottles: the R10 Rotary Rinser.

Visit the stand J70 stand of Autopack at the PPMA Show 2019 in Birmingham. 

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pet bottles on Bottle Unscrambler Machine

Trends in the packaging sector in Spain: PET bottles

Reading time: 2 minutes

PET bottles are the object of most empty bottle unscramblers available on the market, and they are also the preferred material for the drinks industry in the whole world, hence the importance of monitoring changes in their use and evolution in the bottling sector.

The PET bottling sector in Spain is currently one of the most dynamic and has taken advantage of the economic recovery in the country, expecting growth to continue, thus spurring large investment projects.

These were some of the conclusions of the Report on the PET container market in Spain, presented at the end of 2018 by Alimarket Envases.

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New corporate image for TRAKTECH

Reading time: < 1 minute

Within the company’s growth strategy, and driven by the spectacular year 2016, we believed that it was time to change our corporate image that, while maintaining our essence, was able of transmitting the step forward that we were giving and the company’s values.


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Fachada Exterior de la nave de Traktech en Terrassa

New TRAKTECH facilities

Reading time: < 1 minute

The amazing evolution of the last 3 years, where we have increased our turnover from € 600,000 to € 1,700,000 and the growth strategy planned for the coming years, has led us to carry out a change of facilities to be able to implement the planned improvements in production.


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