Which factors should be considered when doing a production line more sustainable?

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Sustainable Production Lines Factors.

Responsible consumption and production are two concepts that are intrinsically correlated and, moreover, they are crucial for a sustainable economy.

For the United Nations, sustainable consumption and production consist on doing more and better with less resources. This implies that economic growth does not undermine the environment and, therefore, it is feasible to increase resources’ efficiency while more sustainable lifestyles are being promoted.

Considerable players should intervene in this process. From public administrations, through consumers (increasingly conscious), until mass media and civil society organizations. And including all the supply chain, where there is room for lots of players: producers, industrial manufacturers, packaging and machinery for the production process, among others.

Sustainability has gained importance in the last years and it will continue being the main guide in lots of sectors. For instance, we see the efforts of the beverage industry firms, such as the 100% recycled PET bottle of Coca-Cola, or the great sustainability strategy of Unilever.

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