Fair image Fackpack 2019

Traktech will be present at the FachPack 2019

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From 24 to 26 September 2019 it will take place in the city of Nuremberg the Fachpack 2019, European packaging, processing, and technology fair, in which the latest developments and trends developed around the packaging process chain will be presented.

For the first time Traktech will be present at the FachPack Fair 2019, in hall 3A, booth number 3A-412, of the Nuremberg Exhibition Center.

Traktech at the FachPack 2019 with two major innovations

Traktech as a company exhibitor will bring to FachPack 2019 two of its most innovative solutions in the empty bottles handling:

  1. The Rotary Unscrambler ROTRAK AAF with its innovative automatic format change ROTRAK AAF (Automatic Adjustable Funnel, for its acronym in English), designed especially for companies wishing to improve the profitability of their productions. A compact, versatile and energy efficient team.
  2. The Air Conveyor for the displacement of PET bottles with its blowing system below the ring of the bottle and air flow control is the ideal solution for the transport of PET bottles at high speeds. This equipment also allows to include the TwistRinser in the installation.

Visit the booth number 3A-412, in hall 3A of the FachPack 2019,  know the advantages of these two innovative equipment and all the other solutions offered by Traktech as specialists in the handling (depalletizing, positioning and cleaning) of empty bottles.

More about the FachPack 2019

The FachPack 2019 includes a complete three-day program, where a total of 1,600 exhibiting companies will be responsible for bringing to the fair all trends in packaging machinery and processes, and all technology in packaging, labelling, logistics, printing, and finishing.

The packaging trade fair in Europe aims to receive around 45,000 professional visitors in packaging processes and technologies.

More information about the FachPack 2019 on its website.

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