PET containers filled with juices and smoothies from a fruit and vegetable processing plant.

Project: PET bottles filling line. Phase 1

Reading time: 4 minutes

Case of success: PET bottles filling line for diverse formats and shapes.

A company in the fruits and vegetables processing sector without chemical treatment required to develop a PET bottles filling line.

This production line implied handling 8 different types of PET container formats regarding measurements and shapes, with productions from 2.800 to 8.000 bottles per hour (BPH).

The company was searching for a solution for handling empty containers at the beginning of the line, which allowed the supply of bottles to the filling machine with the minimum time of line standstill for changing the format.

The main challenge lied in the containers format and shape. The solution had to consider handling cylindrical, squared, hexagonal and triangular PET bottles.

Furthermore, the client was searching for a solution for handling empty containers which offered higher resistance, durability, and minimum maintenance.

Rendering of 8 pet plastic containers of different mesurements and shapes.

8 types of PET plastic containers in different sizes and geometries

Two solutions for a PET bottles filling line

From Traktech, as specialists handling empty containers, we have been involved in the project with all our engineering team and R&D department, with the purpose of design and manufacture the solutions that best fulfilled the necessities of this company in the fruits and vegetables processing sector.

To be able to handle all the containers with different shapes and measures and, at the same time, guarantee the positioning of the PET bottles for their further filling, we have created the Rotary Unscrambler ROTRAK AAF for PET bottles, connected to an Air Conveyor with automatic format change for lateral guides to move the containers and feed the filling machine.

In the image, containers formats and shapes supported by the orienting equipment, the filling machine, and the labeling machine in this filling line.

Image of the formats and measures of the PET containers admitted in the PET bottle filling line manufactured for a fruit processing company.

PET container formats and sizes.

Unscrambler with automatic format change


The ROTRAK AAF (Automatic Adjustable Funnel) unscrambler sorts and orients standing bottles in the line. The bottles enter in the unscrambling machine through an elevator/conveyor in bulk with 1500 li capacity.

In the upper disc, the bottles are placed previously in tangential position inside drawers. Through the position detection by vision camera, the position of each bottle in each drawer is analysed and a signal is sent to the funnel so that a pneumatical cylinder rotates the bottle, allowing to place it stand.

Regarding format change, pressing a button in the screen of the machine, all the moving parts of the pre-orienter and funnels will move properly to each preestablished format in the PLC memory. Up to 20 different formats can be preset between the maximum and minimum format of the actual project.

With this system, format change lasts between 1 and 2 minutes, time spent changing programme in the touchscreen of the machine.

The execution of the machine is totally in stainless steel, except for determined internal mechanical parts like main shaft, pinions, and gearboxes which are of carbon steel conveniently treated against oxidation.

  • We share some interesting information about this equipment:

Air bottle conveyor towards the filler

For the movement of the PET bottles towards the filler, we have connected an Air Conveyor to the Bottle Unscrambler.

This equipment guarantees the slip of the containers in a quick, agile way and without risk of hook or contamination.

The containers movement is done through blowing of the bottles right under the neck guide which subjects the bottle by the ring, being impossible the contamination inside the bottles due to the blowed air.

The conveyor is provided with an automatic system to adjust the neck guide and the lateral guides, which work with electric actuators, this way assuring the perfect fit of the guides and avoiding bottlenecks in the containers transport.

Solution optimization

Hereunder, we highlight the characteristics of the ROTRAK AAF Unscrambler in stainless steel with automatic format change connected to an air conveyor:

  • Productivity: Minimum line standstill time to carry out the format change of the bottle in the unscrambler, as well as in the air conveyor.
  • Energy savings: Without compressed air in the bottle pre-positioning zone.
  • Reduction of the occupied space: It is compact equipment. Minimum floor space occupied.
  • Flexibility: New formats can be added to the program telematically, without the need of a technician.

More about the fruits and vegetables company

The company to which we have provided this equipment for handling PET containers are in the zone with higher sweet fruit production of the European Union. They handle fruits and vegetables to produce fruits and vegetables creams, purées, juices, and smoothies.

It is oriented to the minimum raw materials manipulation using leading-edge technology in the process and aseptic conservation of fruits and vegetables.

They hold diverse quality, security, and alimentary hygiene certificates in terms of facilities, processes, and products. Consequently, contribute to the development of a PET bottles filling line implied a big challenge, in which our solutions prove that they satisfy the necessities of our clients, and, moreover, guarantee the highest quality standards in their productions, profitability, and sustainability.

If you want to know more about this project or have a particular need with your production process, write to us!

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